Today we will discuss about Wine and Food Pairing.There is possibly no better Beverage to accompany a meal than wine.As wines are available in infinite variety of tastes,textures,and aromas,they can be paired with several dishes from all over the world.
When the perfect Wine has been chosen,the total experience of the meal double up;the wine tastes better and so does the food and there is perfect sensory harmony.
In order to match Wine and Food it requires from the dinner,an elevated and educated palate and from the SOMMELIER (sommelier French pronunciation: )or wine steward, is a trained and knowledgeable wine professional, normally working in fine restaurants, who specializes in all aspects of wine service as well as wine and food pairing. The role in fine dining today is much more specialized and informed than that of a wine waiter.Sommeliers Australia states that the role is strategically on par with that of the chef de cuisine),an in-depth familiarity with both Food and Wine

Wines exist for the pleasure of pairing them with food,and if they are paired wisely,the resulting harmony of smells and flavors will enhance their characteristics.

Food and Wine Pairing Tips Everyone Should Know

Can't remember which wine pairs well with salmon or your
restaurant's chef special? Well these tips cover all the basics
on what you should and should not do when pairing wine
with food. These tips will help broaden your horizons on the
impact wine can have on the dinning experience.
1. Red Wines and Red Meat. One of the most basic tips
that is easy to remember and will help you make quick
recommendations. The reason that red wine pairs well
with red meats, such as steak, is because of its ability to
soften the proteins in the meat and help enhances the
flavors of the fat. The softening of the meat occurs
because of the tannin, a chemical compound found,
found in red wine.

2. White Wine and Light Meat ( Fish and Chicken). White
wines pair well with fish because the acids in the wine
enhance the taste of the fish, making it taste fresher.
Similar to how lemon is squeezed over fish to enhance
the taste, white wine can have the same impact
because of it acidity.

3. If the same adjective can be used to describe the food
and wine it is likely a pairing that will work. For instance,
Sweet Wines go great with Sweet Food. A great example
is fruit based desserts or tarts and Sweet Wines. 
Wine with Desert

4. Some times it can be tricky to pair wines with meats or
fishes that have a heavy sauce. The best way to
approach a dish like this is to pair the wine with the
sauce and not the meat. 

This allows for a better
experience because some sauces can have bad
interactions with wine. For instance you want to avoid
pairing bitter sauces with bitter taste because of the
bitterness will build, creating an unfavorable taste.
5. Ultimately drink what you enjoy, but also don't miss out
on the ability to explore.

CHEF'S TIP :- Keep your wine comfortable. The worst place to store wine is on top of the refrigerator, where heat and vibrations can wreak havoc. If space allows, put a rack in a room without direct sunlight. If your new abode is too tiny, store wine in the coolest and darkest part of your apartment—a closet.


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